Fire Alarm Systems

Hands-On Fire Alarm Systems Lab
This 45-hour, hands-on course is designed to give you plenty of time actually installing Fire Alarm components and programming a system. You will receive all 3 levels of this course which are as follows:
Level I is mostly academic and introductory in nature, covering portions of NFPA 72, characteristics of fire alarm systems and components. Introduction to the various input and output devices and fire panels are covered. Students will get hands-on experience wiring a basic circuit for simple output devices and installation of smokes, horns, strobes, etc. in order to gain basic familiarization of equipment.
Principles that are introduced in Level I will be further developed in Level II. Students will do a “take-off,” create a riser from a floor plan, create a submittal package and review occupancy classes. Additionally, students will install a conventional fire alarm system, utilizing the training from Level I to further strengthen their understanding and confidence in FA systems. Further study in codes that govern installations will be central to Level II.
Principles that are introduced in Levels I & II will be put to work and tested for competency in the final portion of this course. After additional instruction, students will have eight hours to fully design, build and install a complete Fire Alarm System from a set of documents provided. This project will be inspected and the student's grade based fully on the knowledge provided from FAS Levels I, II and III.